The Best Trading Platforms 2023

Start trading now with the safest trading platforms

The time has come, if you are completely determined to navigate these waters, you must basically know the best trading platforms. At first, wandering between one platform or another is normal, but knowing the specific reward, you can decide on the one that most appeals to you.

Nowadays, living from trading is possible and even advantageous in several aspects if you have a good platform as your main ally. Likewise, as long as you are aware of the movements to be made, the profits will begin to rain. The path is not a piece of cake; however, with patience, perseverance and effort, in a short time you will start trading.

Find out the reasons why the best trading platforms are called that way!

According to expert opinions and analysis carried out based on the opinions of this immense community, trading platforms must meet a series of parameters. Generally, all the platforms vary from one another, but in themselves, they handle a series of aspects that are common to all of them. These characteristics are the most sought after by users when opting for one, being essential requirements for it.

Recognize its simplicity of interface

The interface or system of operation and presentation of a certain platform must be balanced for both beginners and experts. Sometimes some of the best trading platforms are aimed at insiders, as well as otherwise. However, if so, they include courses, basic learning schemes, demo accounts and other methods to support the less knowledgeable.

They are nothing without great marketing skills!

Another main aspect to take into consideration is that these trading platforms must handle different perspectives and market elements. From Forex , crypto assets, contracts for differences, precious metals, shares or quotes, among others, are just a few examples. Containing most of these financial products, along with a number of other derivative assets, is crucial for the platform to have great reach.

Always remember: rigor, security and trust

Each of the aforementioned features must be backed by the highest security standards in relation to the subject. The best trading platforms are regulated by organizations such as CySEC , FCA , CNMV , ASIC , among others. The licenses obtained by any of these entities guarantee strict rigor before each transaction and money invested . In addition, it confers an environment of security and trust that comforts the investor.

Top of the best simplest trading platforms, It's time to show off, newbie!

Day after day, new investors or users hungry for expectations seek to soak up the profits in trading. For this, there are a number of the best trading platforms whose interface is intuitive and quickly understandable at the first exchange.

List of Best Trading Platforms

  1. 24Option
  2. IQ Option
  3. Libertex
  4. Plus500
  5. MetaTrader
  6. MetaStock
  7. NinjaTrader
  8. ProRealTime
  9. Visual Chart
  10. AvaTrade
  11. CTrader
  12. Darwinex
  13. eTORO
  14. pepperstone
  15. XM platform
  16. XTB platform

24Option: Is it really a controversial broker?

Prejudices always come and go, but the truth is that 24Option is no stranger to them. It was founded in 2010 and since then it has been characterized by specifically supporting newer users. That is why comfort and a pleasant work environment are fundamental bases of the modus operandi of 24Option.

In fact, an example of this is the main interface integrated into this broker-type platform , its work elements being easy to recognize instantly. When it comes to its scope within market rates, 24Option excels particularly in Forex and CFD trading. Therefore, if you are related to said products or actions, this is your best option among the best and most accessible trading platforms. Read more about 24Option .

IQ Option, perfect for beginners

Talking about a platform for newbies is referring to IQ Option, a broker facilitating the world of trading since 2013. Despite its short life, it has progressively adapted to the demands, needs and constructive criticism of the community. In fact, over time it has built a solid interface, with an ergonomic design, that is, adaptable to each type of user.

It should be noted that IQ Option includes operations based on Forex, CFDs, ETFs, cryptocurrencies , among other financial assets considered juicy. And, the best part of all, is that, during the process of each transaction or movement to be executed, the platform guides the investor through a series of steps and thus minimizes the risk of losses or inconveniences. Read more about IQ Option.

Libertex: A bit complex, but manageable

The best of Forex Group Club is Libertex, a broker that integrates another series of objectives, strategies and services to ensure an unforgettable experience.

In relation to Forex, without a doubt, its reach within this market is enviable, carrying out all kinds of movements and beneficial actions. However, Libertex also allows you to invest in shares of a large number of renowned companies. Likewise, it grants the power to invest in gold, gas and even platinum. Read more about Libertex.

As if that were not enough, it is no stranger to cryptocurrencies and, in reality, the most fundamental and striking feature is its large percentage of leverage. Thanks to this, it is called to revolutionize this universe, standing out among the best current trading platforms.

Plus500, great versatility and variety

When it comes to simple platforms, Plus500 leads the way in this area without fear of mistakes. In fact, it is so simple, basic and manageable, that the most experienced users base their criticisms on it, since complex or large transactions cannot be carried out easily.

Therefore, it is very sensible that new users or little familiar with the world of trading , become familiar with or become attached to this platform to begin with.

They should not worry, since equally, a book should not be played by its cover. Despite the aspects already mentioned, Plus500 is one of the best trading platforms in terms of the number of assets it includes. Within his system, a little more than 1800 in total are counted.

If you still do not know or it is not too clear to you, trading is complemented by a series of instruments or platforms dedicated to technical analysis.

These platforms base their operation not only on pure investments and transactions, but also on the creation of financial forecasts. In this way, the user can build or preview a strategy that works and generates excellent results. Read more about Plus500.

Nothing like MetaTrader

The Russian company MetaQuotes Software hit the nail on the head by launching this analysis software-type platform in 2005. From then on, it has not stopped being demanded and widely used by more experienced users, in order to get out of business. Whether you need a master move or accurate recognition of market volatility, MetaTrader is up for it.

It has two versions, MT4 and MT5, with the same premise, but with certain operating characteristics and style that vary from one to the other. Both are Forex related; However, through other allied brokers, CFDs, cryptocurrencies and more can be traded.

Emphasizing its main advantage, the MetaTrader programming language provides the most accurate forecasts or analysis possible. Without a doubt, there will be no loss with it. Without envying anyone, MetaStock also appears on the scene. Read more about MetaTrader .


Like MetaTrader, another of the best trading platforms to run all kinds of analysis is MetaStock. It has more than 30 years filling the users most familiar with the subject of trading with good experiences and sensations .

The MetaStock website is one of the most complete that exists, offering different services that can be purchased through it upon payment. Each of the modalities that are available to the public, allow to carry out or not, certain actions within MetaStock .

The more packages or services you have at your disposal, the greater the scope of your strategy or financial analysis within the platform. Therefore, your benefits and earnings will be as expected. Read more about MetaStock.

NinjaTrader, great features in one place

In the middle of the year 2003, NinjaTrader Group LLC., decided to join the game and launch the highly acclaimed NinjaTrader to the public . It is one of the most used technical platforms since then, reflected in the total number of users subscribed to it.

Its reputation as one of the best trading platforms was forged thanks to its two working modes within its interface. It not only allows you to indicate in real time the best time or strategy to invest, but also to carry out various transactions in your own system.

Therefore, it is like killing two birds with one stone, since you pay for a complete and optimized service in two complete variants at your disposal. Read More About NinjaTrader.

ProRealTime, a really “pro” alternative

The technological and financial development company, IT-Finance, closely following the evolution of trading, launched ProRealTime in 2001. It is a platform for the analysis and creation of graphs, indicators and forecasts based on its purest programming language.

As an outstanding aspect, it combines perfectly with the Forex market , crypto assets, all kinds of raw materials, among other prices. Regardless of which one you actually choose or become familiar with, its sophisticated system is capable of encompassing all of them in real time. Thanks to its high power of simulation and technical analysis of these financial markets, the most accurate forecasts are derived from ProRealTime .

Without a doubt, it is advantageous for any trader with a minimum of previous experience in financial transactions or plays. In addition, it complements almost perfectly with any broker on your list, so it provides the necessary tools for a complete job. Read More About ProRealTime .

Visual Chart, an ideal complement

Probably, at this point in the article, you are wondering what Visual Chart can offer that the rest of the best trading platforms do not. Keep calm and sanity, the answer will be revealed.

As far as technical supplements for financial analysis and strategy building go , Visual Chart possesses an enviable feature. Without further ado, it is based on a data system with more than 20 years of stored information.

Through it, the platform executes and prepares adequate, complete and optimized studies of the various financial markets covered. Among them lie the well-known Forex, contracts for difference, shares in various companies, as well as cryptocurrencies and much more.

Additionally, Visual Chart has one of the real-time simulation services that integrates all the data obtained in relation to an asset. Thus, it gives the user free rein to test and customize their own trading tactics, in a way that guides them through a complete and non-judgmental journey.

Finally, here are the best and most popular trading platforms for the experienced! They are the most popular that exist, standing out among the best of the best. Because? Simply because they are adapted and one hundred percent designed for large transactions, advanced strategies and expert movements.

Endorsed not only by the community in general, but also by large organizations designed to monitor activity within trading. There is not the slightest doubt that they are destined to mark a positive trend in the future. Controlling more and better precise investments that lead to the benefit of all its members equally, with an almost perfect success. Read more about Visual Chart .

AvaTrade, a busy broker

The popularity of AvaTrade is based primarily on the number of investors that are immersed in its ecosystem. There are approximately 20,000 traders who day after day honor the position it occupies within the best trading platforms for expert people.

Being an expert and practically one of the pioneers in the fluctuations of the forex market , cryptocurrencies , stocks and more, it represents a safe opportunity to invest. What is this about? Well, compared to other brokers, their spreads are totally accessible.

AvaTrade is not really complex, but it does require knowing exactly what is going on within it for a good result.

Also, even if you are experienced and have doubts about its operation, you can opt for a demo account. After that point, it will be you who decides whether to continue to the paid version or dispense with its services after a first experience. In case you decide not to progress in the relationship, you could surely regret it in the future. Read more about AvaTrade.

CTrader, a polyglot option

When Spotware Systems LTD decided to stand up with its own trading platform, the landscape began to change in this regard. CTrader was conceived as an innovative presentation back then, available in 14 different languages ​​for a suitable reach. At the same time as other platforms and in order to quickly adapt to constant changes, it began to develop more necessary tools.

His ability to negotiate, quote and transaction methods associated with Forex, CFDs, shares and other asset classes is enviable. Likewise, it has an optimal and organized interface for the correct management of those more experienced users in the field.

CTrader is one of the best trading platforms because despite being a broker, it works without a "work desk" between the user and the market.

Therefore, any conflict of interest is nipped in the bud from the start, because the trader is able to execute his movements. Due to this, the platform intervenes to the least possible extent within the immediate actions of the person. Read more about CTrader.

Darwinex, originality and precision

Each existing broker within the options to be considered has its own characteristics that make it a unique and outstanding tool. However, in the case of Darwinex, this takes on a different definition from the one already known. The aspect that most attracts the attention of Darwinex, apart from its accuracy and quality of service, is its own financial asset associated with the system.

In turn, said product, known as Darwins, is fully supported by a series of notions correctly established by the page. The first one is that you invest and automatically secure 20% net of the final profit, based on the fluctuations quoted for this asset.

From this point, the money invested is subject to a 10% risk reduction in a VaR margin. What does this refer to? Basically, there is only a minimum risk of loss (10%) in your capital, since most of it is backed by the broker. You see? Originality and precision! Read more about Darwinex.

ETORO: Fame, fortune and prestige

It doesn't matter if you already have a few years involved in trading or if you are just a beginner, ETORO is better known than AvaTrade.

If you still don't know, ETORO was conceived in 2007 and is relatively young compared to the rest of the best current trading platforms. However, in the shortest possible time it has been rewarded with excellent opinions, reviews and financial analysis corresponding to trading.

And well, surely you will wonder what such prestige is due to . ETORO handles, in addition to the typical aspects of a broker, a social network type interface. This represents the ability to share and publicize your trading strategies through the ETORO community to make your reputation known to the public.

ETORO creates incentives for people affiliated with its services to remain in it, investing and generating dividends. You will be rewarded in the best way if your interaction is excellent, providing accurate data about the movements you establish in the market. Read more about ETERO .

Pepperstone, integrated by and for the best

Although it may not seem like it, Pepperstone is one of the best trading platforms, mainly due to its speed and proven fluidity. Pepperstone is made up of two well-known modalities, cTrader and MetaTrader 4 , covering a wide range of possibilities.

With each of these platforms associated with its interface, Pepperstone has become the favorite of many today. It perfectly mediates financial transactions and movements between its traders and the aforementioned financial instruments, so that the process is as pleasant and complete as possible.

However, it is important to emphasize that this aspect should not be confused. Although it "intermediates" with cTrader and MetaTrader. Pepperstone is a platform without a dealing desk. Therefore, it is only the bridge between the three parts, since, from then on, the user takes control of his own destiny. Read more about Pepperstone.

XM platform, a trading globetrotter

Previously, if you were surprised by cTrader 's great language content and languages , now you will probably feel the same excitement again. The XM platform is manufactured and developed to encompass 20 languages ​​at the bottom of the translation and, adding more seasoning, is available in 196 countries. Yes, 196 countries with traders of various ethnicities, cultures and backgrounds!

Based on these considerations, the platform hosts the exorbitant sum of 3,500,000 users spread over that variety of countries. A true lifesaver for traders, since it also properly integrates MetaTrader functionalities for greater customer satisfaction.

And last but not least, XM avoids negative or debit balances at all costs. Due to this ability, the trader will never be faced with the dilemma of investing more than the capital he has at that time. Read more about XM platform .

XTB platform, ordinary but compliant

When you need a typical broker platform to test your strategies in Forex or contracts for difference markets, use the XTB platform . Because? Well, no matter how ordinary it can be described, it is safe, fast and reliable.

Incorporating it into the ranking of the best trading platforms of this type would be practically a sin. XTB, in most cases, never disappoints its closest customers and users. It is striking precisely that, to maintain this reputation, it includes two allied platforms or systems, such as MetaTrader and xStation . The latter has the hallmark of the house and has nothing to envy the first mentioned.

At the same time, all the spreads associated with any of the two modalities are minimum rates that are generally not noticeable. And you, have you already decided on her? Read more about XTB platform .

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