If you have chosen affiliate marketing
as a way to earn money and as an affiliate marketer you promote
products or services of other sellers and manufacturers, you must have
thought about how you can increase your income and what methods Are
there more products to sell through affiliate marketing? In this article
from the affiliate website, we are going to introduce you the methods
to sell more products through affiliate marketing, so that by getting
ideas from them, you can earn better as an affiliate marketer and get
the most out of your job. You may use

Is it really possible to earn money through affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing can be a great source of income for affiliate marketers if done correctly. In this marketing method, you act like a seller without having to produce or even buy goods. All you have to do as an affiliate marketer is promote and introduce other people's products to your audience and try to drive them to the seller's website.Of course, in affiliate marketing, you are not supposed to advertise a product, but your advertising subject can be the services of a company or an action that is considered valuable for a website.
For example: a website may not have a product for sale but needs your audience to participate in a survey, in this case you should try to encourage your audience to go to the advertiser's website and participate in that survey. .
Advertisers pay you a commission in exchange for a targeted action taken by you on their website.
The question that arises is; If we can't direct the audience to the advertiser's website, is it still possible to make money through affiliate marketing ? The answer is negative.
In affiliate marketing, the basis of your income is the purchase or performance of the target action by the consumer or audience. For example, if you advertise a physical product such as a book, you will receive a sales commission if the audience enters the advertiser's website through your affiliate link and makes a purchase.
If you are going to start your career as an affiliate marketer, you should not expect to earn that much right away. Success in this work requires having facilities and following principles that can gradually bring you a high income.
money through affiliate marketing requires researching the right
products to advertise, checking web traffic patterns, and understanding
audience interests.
order to be a successful affiliate marketer and earn money in this way,
you must strengthen the characteristics of a successful affiliate
marketer. What are the characteristics of a successful affiliate
marketer? It can be helpful in this regard.
Your ads should add value to the user, not annoy them. Always remember; The person following you didn't come to watch an ad; Rather, the content produced by you is interesting for him.
If you ignore the content and target the audience with a lot of ads to make more money, you will lose your audience very quickly.
So, you should look for a solution to keep your audience and increase your sales. In the following, we will mention 7 basic methods to sell more products through affiliate marketing.
Your priority before money should be gaining and maintaining the trust of your audience. This trust cannot be earned unless you are completely honest with your audience and followers and show the audience what you are promoting as it really is.
If a company produces a moisturizing cream and wants you to promote that product as an affiliate marketer, you must use that product yourself and convey any results you get from using it to the audience.
So if it is written in the brochure and on the label of the product, it is a strong moisturizer! You should not settle for that; Rather, consider your personal experience of using this product in providing information to your audience.
Advertising and offering good and quality products to the audience not only increases sales, but also increases the number of your audience and followers and makes you more popular. Advertisers are always looking for popular affiliate marketers with a large audience, as a result, the number of your ads will increase and your income will increase.
But how is it possible to convert visitors into buyers? For this you need a proper sales funnel. Creating a sales funnel to convert a visitor into a real customer is a necessary task, especially for beginners in affiliate marketing.
You may be asked what is a sales funnel? And how is it created? The sales funnel actually includes all the actions that each person takes before becoming a customer.
Every successful sales funnel starts with the awareness stage. You need to be able to give your audience a clear picture of what you are promoting on your website or advertising platform. When the audience knows that they are going to buy something and what kind of product you are promoting and selling, awareness is created in them.
The purpose of the sales funnel and sales platform that has been set up is to respond to the customer's needs. If you know the customer's needs and produce content according to his needs, then offer him a product or service to solve his problem and need, you can turn him, who was an ordinary visitor at first, into a real customer.
As an affiliate marketer, you can use your blog posts or Instagram and YouTube videos to create awareness about products.
How to sell more products through affiliate marketing?
Your goal as an affiliate marketer is to increase sales and traffic to the advertiser's website without losing your audience. Never bombard your email subscribers or blog readers with all kinds of irrelevant ads to increase your sales.Your ads should add value to the user, not annoy them. Always remember; The person following you didn't come to watch an ad; Rather, the content produced by you is interesting for him.
If you ignore the content and target the audience with a lot of ads to make more money, you will lose your audience very quickly.
So, you should look for a solution to keep your audience and increase your sales. In the following, we will mention 7 basic methods to sell more products through affiliate marketing.
1- Promote products that you use and endorse
You can properly promote a product and talk about its real features and benefits to your audience when you have seen and used the product.Your priority before money should be gaining and maintaining the trust of your audience. This trust cannot be earned unless you are completely honest with your audience and followers and show the audience what you are promoting as it really is.
If a company produces a moisturizing cream and wants you to promote that product as an affiliate marketer, you must use that product yourself and convey any results you get from using it to the audience.
So if it is written in the brochure and on the label of the product, it is a strong moisturizer! You should not settle for that; Rather, consider your personal experience of using this product in providing information to your audience.
Advertising and offering good and quality products to the audience not only increases sales, but also increases the number of your audience and followers and makes you more popular. Advertisers are always looking for popular affiliate marketers with a large audience, as a result, the number of your ads will increase and your income will increase.
2- Create a sales funnel to convert visitors into buyers
As an affiliate marketer, you should try to convert visitors to your website, blog, Instagram page, YouTube channel or any other platform you use into buyers.But how is it possible to convert visitors into buyers? For this you need a proper sales funnel. Creating a sales funnel to convert a visitor into a real customer is a necessary task, especially for beginners in affiliate marketing.
You may be asked what is a sales funnel? And how is it created? The sales funnel actually includes all the actions that each person takes before becoming a customer.
How to create a sales funnel
Create awarenessEvery successful sales funnel starts with the awareness stage. You need to be able to give your audience a clear picture of what you are promoting on your website or advertising platform. When the audience knows that they are going to buy something and what kind of product you are promoting and selling, awareness is created in them.
The purpose of the sales funnel and sales platform that has been set up is to respond to the customer's needs. If you know the customer's needs and produce content according to his needs, then offer him a product or service to solve his problem and need, you can turn him, who was an ordinary visitor at first, into a real customer.
As an affiliate marketer, you can use your blog posts or Instagram and YouTube videos to create awareness about products.
making connection
Treat your audience like your family, not customers or buyers! Always provide a way of communication for your audience and stay in touch with them. This communication and contact can be made through sending emails, comments section of posts or social media.
Not imposing a purchase on the audience
To attract real customers and keep your audience, you should not impose anything on them. If you try to force your audience and followers to buy a product or take a certain action, you will get the opposite result and you will actually discourage them from buying.
Instead of trying to sell a product to a customer like a salesperson, advise him why he should use that product and what are the benefits of buying that product for him.
make a sale
The final stage of the sales funnel is making the sale. After the customer learns about your product, is able to communicate with you and is interested in the product that you have advertised, he will make a purchase.
So in creating a sales funnel, your success depends on how well you perform the first 3 steps to get the person who entered the funnel to the bottom of the funnel.
3- Offer attractive offers to your audience
The question you should always ask yourself is why should the audience buy the product I am promoting? What is the advantage of that product over similar products?People unconsciously tend to discounts, bonuses and free services. If you have an attractive offer to promote a product, the audience will be more encouraged to buy the product.
For example: If you have advertised a web hosting website on your blog, you can increase your sales by offering free services such as WordPress installation, plugin installation, or WordPress themes to encourage your audience.
4- Do not advertise more than two products in a period of time
The number of products you advertise can have a huge impact on your sales. If you are a beginner affiliate marketer, you should pay more attention to this issue because you are still attracting an audience, in addition, promoting more than two products at the same time can cause confusion to the audience.Try to choose one or at most two products and earn money by focusing on these products and promoting them correctly. Less number of products gives you more advertising space. For example, if your advertising platform is a website, you can advertise the same two products in more parts of your website.
In addition to the number of products, the type of product you advertise can also affect your sales. It is practically impossible to make money from all products! So try to choose products to advertise that have an audience; Or in other words, choose a product that you know your audience is interested in and using.
For example: If you have a website about sports and health, it's smart to promote products related to the site's theme. On this website, you can advertise sports supplements, sports equipment, diets, and so on.
If you advertise web hosting or domain sales on such a website, the probability of getting a favorable result will decrease because your audience did not come to your website to buy a domain or host; Rather, his goal is sports information or health-related content. Meanwhile, if a product related to sports or health catches the eye of the audience, at least they will be curious to see it and if they need it, they will buy it.
5- Try different affiliate networks
In the previous articles of Affiliate, we said: Affiliate network is a platform that connects advertisers to viewers. The advertiser places his program in the affiliate network, and the advertiser chooses the best option for advertising by checking different programs and comparing them.If, as an affiliate marketer, you can't find the right affiliate program in an affiliate network, don't worry. Try to try different affiliate networks to access more resources from the affiliate program and keep your hands open to choose.
6- Create an email list
One of the best ways to attract audience and sell more products through affiliate marketing, especially for beginners, is to create an email list. Email marketing is a proven method of attracting customers and selling products, but it takes a little time to get results.When sending promotional emails to your email list, make sure that the content of the email is not just advertising; Rather, it should contain added value for the user so that he does not feel that you have sent an email only for your personal benefit. Your promotional email can include a how-to guide or a discount code for the audience.
7- Choose the right advertising method for your platform
There are many advertising methods for affiliate marketers, and they often use several of them to display ads on their advertising platform. The most common advertising methods among affiliate marketers are:- send mail
- Using social media marketing space such as: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
- Product review
- Banner ads
Focus on one or two advertising methods to master before trying several different methods. If you try to use all advertising methods at once without having enough experience and knowledge about them, your chances of success will decrease.