TOP 9 Cryptocurrencies with more Future in the long term.

Currently there are more than 15,000 different cryptocurrencies so it is most likely that you have never heard of most of them.

With such a large amount , what are the cryptocurrencies with the best future when the current bearish cycle in which we find ourselves ends?

In this article I am going to share 9 cryptocurrencies that have a lot of potential for you to take into account when investing in the long term.

At the end of the article I leave you some trends in the crypto world to keep in mind in the coming years

Cryptocurrencies with the most potential in 2023

  1. Bitcoin (BTC): Means of payment and store of value
  2. Ethereum (ETH): Leading smart contract platform
  3. Cardano (ADA): Eternal promise
  4. Avalanche (AVAX): Working alternative to Ethereum
  5. Illuvium (ILV): NFT game ready to reach the general public
  6. Binance (BNB): All-time leading cryptocurrency exchange
  7. SandBox (SAND): Metaverse with the highest adoption in the crypto world
  8. Polkadot (DOT): connection between different Blockchains and scalability
  9. Gala Games (GALA): Blockchain gaming platform

1. Bitcoin (BTC)

Category: Means of payment and store of value

Market capitalization: 695.4B USD // Price: 36560 USD (February 2022)

Created in 2009 by someone under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin (BTC) is in my opinion the most important cryptocurrency of all. Bitcoin was a pioneering project that for the first time in history allowed people to store and manage their money without the intervention of banks, governments and third parties.

Some of the reasons why it is the most valuable cryptocurrency are:
  • It has the highest liquidity and capitalization.
  • It is the most widely known and used cryptocurrency.
  • Easy to be acquired by someone who starts in the world of digital currencies.
  • Ease of investing in it since there are many ways to do it, such as buying Bitcoins directly, but also through futures contracts, options, CFDs or ETFs.
  • Bitcoin is the most accepted crypto as a form of payment.
Why Bitcoin can be a good investment?

Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency with the highest demand

In addition to all the above reasons, investment in BTC by individuals and institutions is increasing. An example is the investment made in the last year by some important publicly traded companies such as Tesla or Microestrategy.

Permanent rules and scarcity
At a time when Central Banks have carried out abnormally expansive monetary policies, Bitcoin proposes the opposite: decentralization and a limited number of monetary units that are issued more and more slowly.

For this reason it is often considered as digital Gold since it is limited, can be easily saved, is not confiscatable, easily transferable and can be used to make payments.

Regulation develops in a positive way :

Currently only a few countries have prohibited bitcoin and in 2021 a very relevant event occurred when El Salvador was the first country in the world to admit Bitcoin as legal tender .

2. Ethereum (ETH)

Category: Smart contracts

Market capitalization: 312.4B USD // Price: 2600 USD (February 2022)

Ethereum is the second cryptocurrency by popularity and market capitalization.

Unlike Bitcoin which is a payment method, Ethereum is a large open source decentralized operating system. He was a pioneer in introducing the idea of ​​smart contracts, which allow the creation of decentralized applications (DAps).

Smart contracts make it easy to carry out transactions if certain conditions are met. Said transaction would be carried out automatically and without third parties involved, in addition to being irreversible and traceable.

Why Ethereum has a good future?

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, some of the sectors with the most projection within the crypto ecosystem are NFTs, decentralized finance (DEFI), blockchain games, and metaverses.

All of them require smart contracts for their operation and Ethereum is the most important blockchain that has this feature.

But Ethereum has several problems, among which its high commissions stand out, which makes it practically impossible to use by an average user.

But after the release of Ethereum 2.0 , the number of transactions per second is expected to increase and the fees to decrease. Not counting the various L2 solutions like Arbitrum.

3. Cardano (ADA)

Category: Smart contracts

Market capitalization: 34.6B USD // Price: 1.02 USD (February 2022)

Cardano, like Ethereum, is also a smart contract platform. The development team of this blockchain conducts extensive research and regularly publishes its results in academic articles. All this with the aim of building a technically superior blockchain with a long-term view.

Why does Cardano have a lot of future potential?

Cardano's development is slow as its development process is very systematic, which is why it is often criticized for being an eternal promise without any kind of adoption.

But 2023 can be a big year for ADA as its ecosystem is growing rapidly and many apps are ready to see the light of day this year. As has happened in other similar blockchains, the greater the real utility of a network, the greater number of users will use it, with a therefore growth in the price of Cardano in this case.

4. Avalanche(AVAX)

Category: Smart contracts

Market capitalization: 16.26B USD // Price: 65.76 USD (February 2022)

Avalanche is another of the smart contract platforms with the most future in 2022. It focuses on transaction speed, low costs and being efficient from an energy consumption point of view in its operation.

Why invest in Avalanche?

Avax is technically very fast and cheap to use, so it can be an alternative to Ethereum according to Bank of America and many other analysts.

Its number of users is growing exponentially, currently having more than 500 applications in operation.

Last year it announced more than 400 million dollars of investment, 230 million from investment funds and 200 million from the Avalanche foundation .

And it also announced alliances with important companies such as Deloitte , Fireblocks , Bitgo or the intelligent vehicle company Togg .

5. Illuvium (ILV)

Category: Blockchain Games

Market capitalization: 365.2M USD // Price: 568.34 USD (February 2022)

Iluvium is a blockchain game that will be released this year. In this Play to Earn game, players collect creatures with their own characteristics and battle with other players.

Its token is ILV and it has various uses within the Illuvium ecosystem. It is mainly used to reward players for their achievements in the game and to participate in the politics of the game through its DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

Why does SIL have a projection for the coming years?

Blockchain gaming is a major trend to follow in 2023.

While there are already some in operation, such as Axie Infinity, the goal of Illuvium is to have much better graphic quality and playability in order to reach the general public.

6. Binance (BNB)

Category: Centralized Exchange

Market capitalization: 60.28B USD // Price: 363.64 USD (February 2022)

Changing the sector a bit, we are going to talk about BNB, the cryptocurrency created in 2017 by the Binance exchange.

The BNB token has several uses, among which are:
  • Payment of discounted commissions for the purchase / sale of cryptocurrencies within the exchange.
  • BNB can be used as collateral to apply for loans on some platforms.
  • Token used on the Binance decentralized exchange
  • It allows investing in the launch of new projects (ICOs) through the so-called “Binance Launchpad”.
Since the birth of Bitcoin, exchanges have been a fundamental part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Without them it would be impossible to invest or trade with cryptocurrencies , being also the means through which we enter and withdraw our FIAT money.

As the adoption of digital currencies increases, their importance and use is increasing. An example of the expansion of this sector is the IPO of the Coinbase exchange on April 14, 2021 .

Why invest in BNB?

In addition to diversifying in a key sector in the digital currency ecosystem, there are several reasons:
  • Binance is the exchange with the most volume in the world
  • It is constantly innovating both the products and the services it offers.
  • Every quarter, as indicated in his whitepaper, part of his tokens are burned. In practice, this means that the number of tokens remains finite, being increasingly scarce and with a tendency to rise in price in the long term.
  • It continues its expansion throughout the world, complying with the regulatory obligations of the different countries in which it operates .
  • Having held BNB allows us to access a multitude of services such as staking , launchpads or liquidity pools.

7. Sandbox (SAND)

Category: Metaverses

Market capitalization: 3.4B USD // Price: 3.58 USD (February 2022)

Sandbox is a virtual world in which its users can buy digital parcels of land (called LANDS), create experiences on them, interact with other people and, in short, do many of the things that we can do in the real world.

Of all the metaverse cryptocurrencies that exist today, Sandbox has raised millions of dollars of investment and has attracted dozens of companies willing to collaborate on the project, some as well-known as Atari, Adidas or Warner Music .

8. Polka Dot (DOT)

Category: Interoperability and scalability

Market capitalization: 18.1B USD // Price: 18.26 USD (February 2022)

Polkadot is a network that allows the connection between different blockchains, facilitating the transfer of any data or asset between them.

Why Polkadot can be an investment for the future?

Polkadot is a project with potential because it is responsible for solving some of the problems encountered by the different protocols in the blockchain, such as the lack of interoperability and scalability.

Interoperability refers to the idea that different blockchains can interact with each other and communicate their information securely. Scalability the ability of a network to process many transactions in a given time interval.

As the number of existing blockchains grows, it is necessary to facilitate communication between them and the top protocol to perform this task is Polkadot.

9. Gala Games (GALA)

Category: Blockchain Games

Market capitalization: 1.2B USD // Price: 0.18 USD (February 2022)

Gala games is a blockchain gaming platform that offers its players the opportunity to play, win and be rewarded for it.

You can play for free and in any browser.

His idea is to make blockchain games that you want to play, putting fun first. We could somehow compare it with the well-known gaming platform STEAM.

Why invest in GALA?

Gala Games is not a simple game whose success may never come or people may lose interest in it. On the contrary, it offers a wide variety of different blockchain games, but always focusing on fun and not on whether they use one type of technology or another (in this case integrated into a blockchain).

Galagames is already up and running and has operational games, with a massive community.

It is a good option if we want to have exposure to blockchain games

It is also important to indicate that its founder is Eric Schiermeyer, one of the co-founders of the important online social video game company Zynga .

Crypto sectors to watch out for in 2023

The criteria when selecting the cryptocurrencies from the above list are, among others, choosing solid projects that have a good development team, with a community that supports them, with good fundamentals and, very importantly, that are in sectors with growth potential. long term growth.

Following the trends that started last year, some sectors to take into account when investing in cryptocurrencies are:

– Metaverses : metaverses have been one of the hot topics since last year, especially after the interest shown by big companies like Facebook or Nvidia .

– Gaming : the video game sector has been one of the fastest growing for years and since 2021 a large number of games that integrate blockchain technology are being developed.

– NFTs : non-fungible tokens have also increased in popularity in relation to digital art and this year their use will be extended within metaverses or blockchain games.

– Decentralized Finance (Defi) : it is another of the important applications within the crypto ecosystem.

– Scalability and interoperability : as the number of projects and the number of users increase, there is a need for improvements in speed, lower commissions and the way in which some blockchains communicate with others.

Regardless of whether you have been around cryptocurrencies for some time or are a beginner , I hope that the article has been interesting and gives you some ideas about sectors or cryptos with a future when investing in the long term.

Finally, remember that this article is for informative purposes and is not investment advice. Before investing your money you should do your own research since cryptocurrencies are assets that carry a lot of risk so you should make sure you know what you are doing and make the most informed decisions possible.

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