Internet guru will always tell you buy my course and you will earn $100 a day, invest (buy) on this page and you will earn $20 a day, create videos on YouTube and you will earn this, buy cheap and sell high,
trade etc., They will always try to sell you something easy in your eyes, sell you the idea that with something simple you will earn a lot of money in the short term for them to sell you something and remember that if something is free you are the product. Since they have not reached enough effort to
make it profitable, their earnings with these methods are usually low or not enough to live on. By selling these courses they increase their earnings, but in reality what they sell you tends to be a scam or work for very few.

The truth is that every activity entails commitment and perseverance, without it you will never get anywhere, if you are one of those who always dedicates 2-3 days to an activity and the next day you get bored, lose that motivation, you will never get anywhere. Constantly changing your activity will not allow you to acquire that desired experience and perseverance to keep pace in business, whether online or anywhere else. The best thing you can do is first ask yourself what you like the most and it makes it
easier for youThis way you will not have to deal with that laziness, lack of encouragement, boredom every day, a great example that you can do is, for example, video editing. Now ask yourself what do I want to do? Here is a list of activities you can do:
Learn programming;
make direct
Upload videos to YouNube, Facebook, tiktok
Play poker professionally
Create web pages
Buy and sell accounts