How to earn extra money while you sleep or have fun

Do you want to know how to make extra money? That is, wake up with new orders in your inbox every day without having to manage any inventory to earn extra income.

The above seems incredible, but it is true. You can make it possible.

This time, let's start with a short story that you are going to love:

“A few years ago, I started an online or e-commerce store that allowed me to earn additional passive income. Building the business took time and effort, but it didn't cost me any money. I wanted to know how to make extra money while spending time doing other things.
And within a month or two, I was already making extra money. As an engineer, he was used to earning money while working. Earning money all hours of the day, without putting in any extra effort seemed magical.
I chose to sell fine jewelry. I knew that the profit margin on jewelry is high, often more than 100%. However, the shipping cost is low since the jewelry does not weigh much.

It could beat the prices offered by brick-and-mortar stores that had to pay rent and cover employee costs.

With a little research, I learned how to obtain a jeweler's license and opened an account with a reputable wholesaler. From there, I chose the products I wanted to sell, called the company, and launched a website.
In the years since then, I've learned that I can make extra money not just by selling products in a physical store. Also in the sale of those same products in an online store. Once the online store shows consistent extra income, I sell the company.

But it's a strange phenomenon: I'm not selling any inventory. Basically, I'm selling a pre-made website and how to run an online business . ”
If you have ever dreamed of having passive income or creating an additional income without any startup costs, here we give you the best tips to know how to earn extra money while you sleep.

Tips to know how to earn extra money:

1. Target a niche market.

This is a tip that will help you earn extra money because there is a lot of competition when you sell products and services on the Internet.
And it will probably be very difficult to beat big box stores for mass consumer product searchers like supermarkets. You won't be able to have better prices either.

Therefore, it is important that you find a niche market. You can think of only selling underwear in one color or a restaurant that only sells ribs.
It doesn't matter what it is, but specialize in something. And also become the best, both in price and quality.

This way you will make your customers understand that you are the only one who sells what they are looking for.
So, look to consolidate your idea with one of the online business models that allows you to earn extra money while you sleep.

2. Connect with wholesalers.

The happiness of an online business is to develop it with the dropshipping model. This way you won't need to invest in inventory. It is the wholesaler who sends the product of his choice directly to your client.
Understanding what dropshipping is is important, because it has become a variant of e-commerce in which traditional logistics has been transformed.

In this model, your online store is responsible for managing customer service, billing, and generating databases, while the wholesale company stores, packages, and ships the items on behalf of your online business.
However, it is important to find a reputable wholesale company that keeps products in stock and customers' orders on time.

3. Launch your own blog or website.

Buy the domain name and create your blog or website. Although you can hire someone to do it for you, learning how to create your own blog is the best.
You may need to make changes to your website in the future at short notice (if your wholesaler runs out of stock on an item or you want to make a sale at a certain time). And you'll save a lot of money and hassle if you can make those changes yourself.

If you like this, in the following link you can learn how to make money with a blog and turn it into a good source of extra and passive income for your pocket.

4. Choose the best shopping cart.

Don't think that you are going to make quick money online without selling. This is completely absurd to think about. Just like a physical store, in a virtual one you must also maintain order.
Purchases play an important role in the number of sales you will make to earn extra money. A cluttered cart with too many options is not good for sales.

While there are some good free shopping carts, most of them have limitations. Some only allow a certain number of products to be listed and others do not allow coupon codes.
Look for a shopping cart that has the most useful features for the business. One that suggests similar products to buyers, for example, can greatly increase sales.

The shopping cart is the heart of your new business, so carefully choose the one that best suits you.

5. Offer the best customer service.

No matter how well you describe your products or how clearly you have website policies and conditions, customers will have questions.

Therefore, you will have to decide how to offer customer service to earn extra money while you sleep.

You can simply set up an email address and respond to customers whenever you can. You can also offer a phone number for people to write to you.
A phone number can help you appear more respectable, but that means you need to be on hand to respond to messages. Another option is to offer a live chat on the website.
6. Find out how to deal with returns.

Customers are more likely to buy your products if you accept returns. However, returns can be a little more complicated when shipping items.
Some wholesalers allow customers to return items directly to them. The wholesaler then refunds you and refunds the customer. Other wholesalers will only accept returns directly from you.

You'll need to decide whether you want to use your home address or get a PO box if you're announcing the return shipping address.

7. Sell your products on other websites to generate extra income.

You don't have to limit yourself to your own blog or website. Adding your products to eBay, Amazon or other niche marketplaces can double or triple your extra income.

But before doing so, ensure that the wholesaler can consistently deliver quality products on time. Otherwise, you will receive bad reviews and your accounts may be suspended.

This will increase your chances of making money online no matter where you are.

8. Market your products online.

Just because you build a website and offer products for a lower price than your competition doesn't mean people will find you.
You need to find a way to promote so people know your website exists. There is the secret to knowing how to earn extra money in your free time.

Create a blog within the website. Open social media accounts in the company's name and post interesting content.
Offer special gifts and promotions to followers. Start a newsletter. There are many ways to attract customers and you will need to find the strategies that work best for the products.

If you offer a very specific product that people are likely searching for online, it may be worth the effort to use Google Ads.
But you'll need to carefully monitor your marketing efforts to make sure you're getting a good return on your investment.

9. Update your products and website as necessary.

It is important to keep your products and website updated. Add new products to keep customers coming back and improve your extra income.
Make sure product images and descriptions are accurate. If you frequently receive complaints or concerns about a specific product, consider removing or improving that product.

Now that you know how to earn extra money…

Creating an e-commerce or e-commerce store takes time. But, with little to no upfront cost, you can quickly become profitable.
And if the person in the story at the beginning of this article could do it, I bet you can too. You just have to believe in yourself to achieve it.

In a few months, you will be able to make money from home with your online store, more than what you earn at your day job.
I have to tell you, it's very satisfying to wake up to an inbox full of orders and know that you just made extra money while you were sleeping.

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