What is Brave Rewards?
Brave browser. The Brave browser pays each of its users to use it, nowadays we see that it is increasingly common for these companies to appear that pay their users to use their products.
And all with a purpose, to encourage its use and make itself known more quickly, at least that is my point of view, if you have not heard of the Brave Browser, don't worry, now you will find out everything.
And all with a purpose, to encourage its use and make itself known more quickly, at least that is my point of view, if you have not heard of the Brave Browser, don't worry, now you will find out everything.

How to Make Money with Brave? Brave pays to use it
First of all let's talk about brave. It is an open source browser based on chromium, developed by the company Brave Software and founded by the Co-Founder of the Mozilla Project and Creator of JavaScript Brendan Eich.Brave pays BAT to its users, this is its official cryptocurrency , whose objective is to make it easy for advertisers to reward the people who are in charge of creating content, that is, the content creators.
Since this browser has Bitcoin payments integrated , Brave allows its users to quickly and easily support their favorite websites. It is a new way of earning that is revolutionizing the way we generate money online.
Brave Browser How to install Brave?
Its installation and configuration is very simple, just follow each of the steps that I will present to you below.1-Download Brave
The first thing we have to do is download brave browser for PC, it doesn't matter if we use Windows, MacBook or Linux, the browser is available for these platforms, then we proceed to install it.
In the following LINK you can download the application from the official website, the system will immediately detect your operating system from your laptop, PC, tablet or smartphone.
2-Install the browser
Immediately the download finishes, you can proceed to install the browser. If you are a MacBook user, the installation runs automatically.
Install Now
3-Configure Brave
After having installed brave on your computer, we are going to proceed to configure it, you can do it to your liking, and this is also necessary to be able to give and receive donations.
By default the browser blocks all advertising, if you want advertising to appear you can modify this option.
Once you have completed each of these steps, you now have to create a publisher account so that you can receive your BAT and so that other people can donate to you as well.
You can add your YouTube channel, your website, Twitter account, Reddit, Vimeo among others, so that when a person visits your YouTube channel they can make donations, but for that you have to enable your channel, in the video I show you how to do it.
This is the link to CREATE PUBLISHERS ACCOUNT , you just have to register and add the accounts through which you want to receive your donations as explained in the previous paragraph.
Create an account in Uphold
The donations we receive, in this case the BAT, will fall into our Uphold account , since we can link both accounts, you must keep in mind that you must verify your data to be able to use the account, you can create your Uphold account Here .Now you may be wondering how do I transfer the money earned to my PayPal account? , or for my bank account, very simple, you just have to go to the Use Funds option, there you can withdraw your funds without problems to your bank account.
In order to withdraw your money and transfer it to your PayPal account you will have to transfer your balance to a platform that allows you to change from Bitcoin to PayPal, this is not a problem since there are many platforms to do this such as COINBASE .
In that case you will be able to get good money without any problem, since you will naturally be using the browser to perform the common tasks that you always do, and if you are from the United States, France, among others, you will have the option of seeing advertising and being pay for that.
This option is only available for some countries like the ones I mentioned, but they are working to reach as many countries as possible, as they grow they will cover more countries.
IMPORTANT: You have to make sure that your referrals use the browser at least 2 times a month, so that they are confirmed.
Now all you have to do is wait for them to assign you the corresponding tokens(4), which so far are $5 equivalent in BAT tokens for each referral.
How much can you earn with brave
That will depend on two factors, the first is the time you use the brave browser, if you work on the PC you have an advantage, and that is that if you are a graphic or web designer, SEO or social media, you will always have to search Internet resources to enrich your work.In that case you will be able to get good money without any problem, since you will naturally be using the browser to perform the common tasks that you always do, and if you are from the United States, France, among others, you will have the option of seeing advertising and being pay for that.
This option is only available for some countries like the ones I mentioned, but they are working to reach as many countries as possible, as they grow they will cover more countries.
There are people who get between $20 to $30 dollars a month, others $100, that will depend on the use we make of it, people who do not frequently use their PC and even less the browser, are the ones who will not achieve these monthly payments.
Brave browser apk
The good thing is that this browser has an app that you can download for your tablet or cell phone, and you can also earn BAT from your cell phone without problems.Brave Referral System
We have the option of sharing our referral link so that other users download this browser through our link and thus earn a little extra money, about $5 dollars for downloads and confirmation of use.IMPORTANT: You have to make sure that your referrals use the browser at least 2 times a month, so that they are confirmed.
Now all you have to do is wait for them to assign you the corresponding tokens(4), which so far are $5 equivalent in BAT tokens for each referral.
Brave Opinions and Suggestions
I only used the browser for three days, and I only spent about 10 minutes on it and they gave me about 6 BAT equivalent to $0.96, almost a dollar, imagine if I had used it for 30 days, there are many people who are charging up to $150 dollars monthly.I think you can earn $50 dollars a month without much problem, I'm doing a small test to see how much I earn in this current month of August, by the end of the month I'll make a new video of how much I earned with the strategy I started testing .
This company Brave Navigator is not a scam nor is it a scam, it is a serious company that is encouraging its users to use its platform, that is why " brave pays to use it" , so I recommend that you start using it now get some money from him.