Best countries to start a business

Do you dream of starting your own company in a foreign country? We know that it is quite a challenge and that it is a transcendental decision that can change your life and that of your loved ones. But we also know how overwhelming it can be to determine the best location for your new business.

The world is full of attractive options, from the perspective of the country's economy and legal framework to its culture and quality of life. Therefore, we bring you a complete list of the best countries to start a business.

Through information obtained from reference sources such as the World Economic Forum and the World Bank, we hope that this article will be a compass on your path to business success. So keep reading and discover the ideal place to take the first step in creating your own company.


GDP: 372 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 17%

Best city to start a business: Singapore

Singapore is one of the world's leading financial centers and has an extremely conducive business climate. The city-state stands out for its robust economy, transparent legal framework and efficient government.

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor recognizes Singapore as one of the best countries to start a business thanks to its culture of innovation, strong infrastructure and support for small and medium-sized businesses. Singapore also offers easy and quick access to Asian markets, which is especially attractive for companies with a global vision.


GDP: 520 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 20%

Best city to start a business: Bangkok

Thailand offers a number of advantages for entrepreneurs. Its strategic location in the heart of Asia offers easy access to emerging markets. Bangkok, the capital, is a vibrant center of business and culture, and has been ranked one of the best cities for entrepreneurs by US News.

The Thai government has implemented several initiatives to encourage entrepreneurship, including tax incentive programs, the creation of free trade zones, and continuous improvement of the business environment.


GDP: 3 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 10%

Best city to start a business: Andorra la Vella

Andorra is a country that has gained popularity among entrepreneurs who want to start a business, but it has a lot to offer entrepreneurs. With a small population and a high GDP per capita, Andorra has a stable economy and a population with a high standard of living.

Corporate tax in Andorra is relatively low, which can be attractive for new companies. Furthermore, its location between Spain and France provides easy access to these large European markets.


GDP: 418.6 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 12.5%

Best city to start a business: Dublin (46th place worldwide)

Ireland is one of the most attractive countries for entrepreneurs in the world. The capital, Dublin, has consistently been recognized as one of the best cities to start a business. One of the reasons for this attractiveness is its low corporate tax, with a rate of only 12.5%, one of the lowest in the world.

Additionally, Ireland is recognized for its strong export market. Despite the impact of COVID-19 and Brexit, the value of this country's food, drink and horticulture exports increased by 4%, reaching a record of €13.5 billion in 2021.

Finally, it is important to note that Ireland is home to the European headquarters of many renowned global companies, which represents a great networking opportunity for new entrepreneurs.


GDP: 909 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 20-25%

Best city to start a business: Amsterdam

The Netherlands is a prominent European business center, famous for its open, trade-oriented economy. In addition, the country has made a great effort to facilitate the business environment, positioning itself at the top of the World Bank ranking for doing business.

Amsterdam, the country's capital, is known for its vibrant startup ecosystem and has become a magnet for entrepreneurs. Its dynamic business environment and highly talented population make it especially attractive to technology and innovation companies.

In addition, the Netherlands has excellent transport links with the rest of Europe and the world. For example, Madrid-Amsterdam flights are frequent and economical, making it easier to access Spanish markets.

The quality of life in the Netherlands is very high, with excellent infrastructure, a high level of spoken English and a healthy work-life balance. All this makes this country an attractive destination for entrepreneurs.


GDP: $22.675 trillion Corporate tax: 21% Best city to start a business: New York

The United States continues to be one of the most attractive destinations for entrepreneurs from around the world. It is one of the largest and most diverse economies, with an ecosystem of startups and innovative companies that is hard to beat.

Cities like New York, San Francisco, and Austin offer abundant opportunities for entrepreneurs, with access to investors, high-quality talent, and a large consumer market. The country is also home to some of the world's most prestigious universities and technology companies, facilitating innovation and collaboration.

Corporate tax in the United States is competitive compared to other developed countries, and there are numerous government incentives and initiatives aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship and business creation.

Additionally, the entrepreneurial spirit is deeply ingrained in the culture of the United States, making it an exciting and dynamic place to start and grow a business.


GDP: 748 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 8.5%

Best city to start a business: Zurich (68th place worldwide)

Despite not being a member of the European Union, Switzerland maintains a close economic alliance with countries in the region, facilitating valuable trade opportunities. This condition allows entrepreneurs in Switzerland to trade freely with any EU member country, eliminating technical and legal barriers.

Switzerland has one of the best work teams in the world. In September 2022, the unemployment rate fell to 1.9%, the lowest since 2001. Additionally, it is one of the few countries with a good employee retention rate, with a turnover of 10%.

United Arab Emirates

GDP: 421.1 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 9% (as of June 2023)

Best city to start a business: Dubai

The United Arab Emirates has become a hub for new businesses. The main attraction of this country is the free trade zones, often located at international seaports and airports, where companies can import, trade and export goods with a 0% tax rate.

From June 2023, the UAE will introduce a corporate tax to cement its place as a global business hub. However, at approximately 9%, this tax will remain one of the lowest in the world and will not affect free trade zones.


GDP: 1.4 trillion dollars

Corporate tax: 25%

Best city to start a business: Madrid

Spain stands out on the list of the best countries to start a business thanks to its favorable business climate, quality of life and strong economy. The Spanish government has introduced various facilities for entrepreneurs, which has made this country an attractive place to start a business.

Spain's diverse and highly educated population is another factor that makes this country attractive to entrepreneurs. Furthermore, Spain has a strong culture of entrepreneurship, with a constantly growing startup ecosystem.

Hong Kong

GDP: 366 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 16.5%

Best city to start a business: Hong Kong

Hong Kong has long been one of the freest economies in the world, offering a free market environment with minimal government intervention. With its strategic location, free trade and strong legal framework, Hong Kong is an attractive option for entrepreneurs. It also serves as a base for those who want to import from China .

New Zealand

GDP: 207 billion dollars

Corporate tax: 28%

Best city to start a business: Auckland

New Zealand has repeatedly been recognized as the best country to do business by the World Bank, thanks to its business regulations favorable to business creation, ease of entrepreneurship and a high level of transparency.


In short, the decision of where to set up your business depends on a variety of factors, including a country's economic conditions, freedom of trade, and entrepreneurial environment. Although we have provided information on some of the best countries to start a business, remember that each entrepreneur has unique needs and objectives.

It is crucial to consider which are the best locations that align with your business vision and goals. Countries like Denmark and the United Kingdom can offer excellent opportunities, as well as other places like Saudi Arabia that you may not have considered.

Finally, we recommend that you consult various reports and sources to be adequately informed before making a decision. Let's remember that establishing a company is a great adventure and, with the right choice, you can lay a good foundation to grow your business.

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