How to earn money from digital marketing

Digital marketing has positioned itself and has gained ground on traditional marketing, practically eliminating it completely. The saying goes: ' Renew or die ', something very true in what has to do with this sector. Well, there are many alternatives and opportunities that marketing offers us to earn money, not only if we are a company, but also if we want to look for an extra or change jobs. How to earn money from digital marketing? Keep reading, here I tell you.

if you are a company

If you have a company, a digital marketing strategy created by an SEO positioning agency in Barcelona allows you to grow your company and attract new customers. Here are some ways:

content strategy

Content has become the king of search engines, so any digital marketing agency will advise you to have a thoughtful and personalized strategy for your business.

This strategy must include the contents of the blog, social networks or email marketing.

Social networks

Posting often on social media to promote your services, products, or knowledge will be another great way to earn money with digital marketing through your business. Social networks are the gunpowder of the internet, so thanks to them, you will gain visibility, authority and reputation.


SEO or organic positioning can be achieved through various actions that will help you recognize any agency you hire. It is essential to be among the first results of the search engines, but you need some knowledge on how to do it, so having professionals becomes the best option.


SEM is a set of techniques and strategies applied to paid positioning through ads and keywords that lead the user to click on your company. Each time they do so you will have to pay a certain amount to Google.

If you have a company, do not hesitate to have professionals for your digital marketing strategy.

if you are private

If you are thinking of working on your own and you want to give your life a new air, doing it in digital marketing can be an excellent idea. There are millions of people who work on it from home or, at the very least, earn extra money with different tasks. How can you get that?

Creating and selling digital products

If there's something you're particularly good at, why not sell it? You can do it in the form of a video, tutorial, ebook or any other way you can imagine. Whether it is knowledge, theory, practice, etc., surely there are people interested in buying it.

To increase the chances that these digital products will sell, you can use different strategies and tools, such as a blog, social networks or email marketing. This way you gain visibility and attract potential customers.

And if you become a Youtuber?

It is the profession of the present, because many would like to be like the most famous youtubers. But of course, in a field where there is so much competition, how do you gain a foothold in order to succeed? Very simple: being original and offering something that no one else offers. And something else: you must always offer recurring content on the same days and at the same times each week, because this will make it easier for your followers to see them.

The YouTube monetization process is very simple: you create content, you get views and reactions, and the platform pays you for it thanks to the ads that are seen before your video. To do this, you have to meet some requirements:
  • Live in a country where the platform partner program is available.
  • You must have more than 1000 subscribers.
  • Follow and comply with all YouTube monetization policies.
  • Have more than 4,000 hours of public viewing in the previous year.
  • Link an Adsense account.

Be a business consultant

If you have extensive knowledge of digital tools, we are sure that many companies and freelancers will be grateful to pay for them. They are very clear that digital marketing is the only thing that will boost their business and make it grow. Transmit your skills to them and earn money with it. It is interesting that you define what your specialization is, such as social media, influencers, local marketing, analytics, branding, video or email Marketing.

affiliate marketing

This is one of the ways in which more money can be earned with digital marketing. If you know how to do it right. It is about a company allowing you to promote its products or services through one of its web pages. Every time a user makes a purchase through your link, you will get an interesting commission. By the end of the month, these commissions could add up to a considerable amount.
Create content

We have already seen in the previous section on companies that content is essential for any business. You could be the one to create them by adding value to companies. Of course, everything must be learned and you have to understand how to apply SEO techniques or characteristic expressions of content marketing.

Be a digital influencer

Digital influencers have to have empathy and good public speaking to engage the public and build a sizeable audience. You need skills and know how to master tools such as social networks to achieve good alliances with companies, which will pay you to promote their products and services. You can earn a lot of money with it.

Digital marketing offers many opportunities if you are thinking of working on your own

Before finishing…

Any of these ways to earn money with digital marketing, being an individual, requires time, perseverance, perseverance and effort. Digital marketing and its organic success is not achieved overnight. Be patient and don't give up, because from one day to the next, you could see a considerable change.

Do not hesitate to have professionals if you have a company to achieve excellent results. And if you are an individual, soak up all the knowledge you can about digital marketing, the content relationship, the terminology applied to the sector and everything related to it. This way you will be prepared to accept different job offers.

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