Work from home jobs: the future of the working world

It is no secret to anyone that work from home jobs is here to stay. And it is that, today, there are a lot of incredible opportunities to earn money completely online. And no, we are not talking about filling out surveys every day.

There are so many ways to work from home jobs, with endless options for all tastes and levels. But... where do we start? Is it really possible to live working online?

(Short answer: yes! But more on that later.)

The truth is that this whole issue can be a bit complex at first, since there is no magic formula for success. However, we can tell you that, like everything else, you have to invest time and effort to go far. Nothing comes by chance.

So, if you are looking for how to work online and have no idea what the first step is, you have come to the right place.

In this post, we will give you a complete guide to start working on your own. Here you will find tips for beginners, information on freelance platforms and, of course, what are the best work from home jobs jobs today.

Let's get started!

First thing: let's put our feet on the groun

Before talking about the best options to earn money online, we must make clear some fundamental points about working from home:

1. More flexibility does not mean less responsibility

Some people might think that working from the comfort of your home is easy and that you have fewer responsibilities. However, it is quite the opposite.

When you take the commitment to “be your own boss†seriously, you realize that working for yourself is quite difficult. On the one hand, it is very convenient not having to deal with traffic to get to the office, plus it is wonderful to have flexible hours.

But, on the other hand, since you are always at home, you must learn to separate your work space within your own home. That, and comply with a working schedule, as if it were any company.

2. Work from home jobs is not easy money

One of the biggest lies about this whole world is that you can make money “quick and easy†by working online.

We all know that money is made with effort , and that's been the case since before the net existed. So if you thought you could make a good income without spending a lot of time, we're sorry to disappoint you, but that's not possible.

An online job is as serious as a conventional job, and if you want to live entirely from it, you must put your heart into it.

3. The beginning is hard, but it is worth it

If you want to dare to live a freelance life, you must be aware that the first months will be rough, but it will all be worth it in the end.

When we risk looking for work in the digital environment, we are faced with a gigantic universe of possibilities in which it is very difficult to find our way. But don't be discouraged! With perseverance and dedication you will climb little by little.

4. There are ups and downs, but it's not the end of the world

For many people, working independently is synonymous with uncertainty. And, well, they're a bit right, but it's nothing impossible to handle.

When you leave the security of a traditional job, where you had a fixed salary and other benefits, you must learn to deal with the ups and downs. There will be seasons where you can make a lot of money, while there will be duller ones. But that is not forever.

In this post we explain how you can achieve financial stability as a freelancer, as well as share tools that will help you for a lifetime.

What do you need to get jobs from home?

This question is quite broad, because obviously the answer will depend on each person's situation. However, we can summarize the most basic in two essential things: internet and desire to work . Yes, it is serious.

The advantage of living in this era is that you do not need technical knowledge about computers or anything specialized to earn money online. Nowadays, you can get remote job opportunities even if you have no experience in anything at all.

But of course, having a career, track record, or simply a skill that you can exploit online is automatically an advantage. In that sense, you should ask yourself what you know how to do and what your goals and interests are . That way, you can focus your job search based on what you can and want to offer.

And, hey, you don't have to be a first-hand expert. There are many people willing to learn something new on the internet to start generating income with it (programming, design, illustration, etc.).

As we mentioned above, there are opportunities for all tastes and levels. The important thing is to want to work and improve yourself every day. After that, the resources you need will depend on what you are going to offer.

How much money can you earn?

Again, this is another question that does not have a single answer, as it will vary greatly from person to person.

Despite this, you can rest assured that it is perfectly possible to live on what you earn on the internet. Of course, with a lot of effort and financial planning, as in any other job.

The good thing about not depending on a fixed salary is that you don't have a roof. Everything you earn will depend on the time you invest and the number of projects you get involved in. Also, there are plenty of alternatives to generate passive income that can exceed (by far) $2,000 per month. However, getting to those numbers takes time, quite a bit of time.

Likewise, there are some jobs that are more in demand and better paid than others. For example, programming and content writing are two of the most popular and highly paid areas. To start in any of them you do not need to have studied any career, just a desire to learn and a lot of practice. But we won't go into too many details here; for that, we have the following part:

What kinds of jobs can you get?

Being completely honest, you can make money on the internet with practically anything. There is a huge offer for an infinite number of areas of work, and some are more specialized than others.

Therefore, to talk about the best jobs from home, we are going to separate this topic into two main branches: jobs that do not require previous experience and jobs for specialists.

Now, let's go with our recommendations:

The best jobs from home that do not require previous experience

In this list we include the best options to earn money online without the need for a university degree or previous experience. These are traditional jobs with a lot of demand on the internet that you can do well at any age.

1. Virtual assistant

Currently, virtual assistants are in great demand by entrepreneurs and companies that need help to organize. If you offer yourself as a virtual assistant and perform well, you could work for clients inside and outside of Latin America.

In general terms, a virtual assistant does the same thing as a personal assistant, but without having to travel anywhere. Your responsibility would be to facilitate the work of your employer, taking care of all the secondary tasks that take up their time.

Answer emails, make calls, schedule meetings, trips, search for information, write letters; All these are some of the activities that virtual assistants usually do.

What do you need?

Organization, good time management, good writing, good internet connection, proactivity. To get a job in this area you can try your luck on pages like Upwork .

2. Customer Service Representative

This is one of the most popular work-at-home jobs in the world, and it's been around long before the internet. It is a fundamental pillar for any type of company, especially if it is about offering products and services.

Your job as a customer service representative will be to answer calls, emails or chats to answer the questions of the customers of the company in which you work. It is a huge responsibility that requires a lot of patience and communication skills.

This job does not usually pay a lot of money, but it is a good starting point if you want to start making money online and you do not have technical knowledge in any area.

By the way, don't worry if you don't have customer experience; companies generally have training programs for their new employees.

What do you need?

Good vocabulary, ability to communicate with other people, good writing and, above all, patience.

3. Typewriter or data entry (data entry)

This certainly isn't one of the most exciting jobs in the world, but it's still a work-from-home opportunity.

Being a typist is entering information into an electronic form. In other words, you are assigned a quantity of data and documents that you must later review, organize, and fill out in a form.

This job is highly requested by companies that need to analyze data for research and statistics. Probably, if they hire you as a data entry, they will teach you to use some type of specialized software. And if not, YouTube is your best friend when looking for tutorials.

What do you need?

Attention to detail, organization and fast writing.

4. Audio Transcriber

As the name suggests, your job would be to transcribe audio to text. If you have a good ear, spelling, and write fast, you can offer your services in this area independently to generate additional income from home.

It is an excellent alternative for students and retired people who are interested in working online. Many companies often request these services to transcribe interviews or even to transcribe live what is said in a meeting.

What do you need?

Fast typing, impeccable spelling, good ear and attention to detail.

5. Telemarketing

This job is similar to that of a customer service representative. However, in this case, your responsibilities are oriented towards the sale of products and services, so you must have sales skills.

In the area of ​​telemarketing, you will have to call potential clients with the intention of making a sale for the company.

What do you need?

Good vocabulary, ability to persuade and sell, and a lot of patience.

6. Independent seller

An excellent way to take advantage of the internet is by selling products and services. You can do it in many ways, either with your own products or through dropshipping .

If you have no idea what we're talking about, dropshipping is a way to sell third-party products. Basically, customers place the order through you and you send it to the wholesaler to take care of the entire shipping process. In the end, you receive a percentage of that profit.

If this interests you, and you want to know more, you can join pages like Oberlo .

On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur and want to start your own virtual store, you can start promoting your products from social networks like Instagram and Facebook, or through platforms like Ebay .

However, the best thing is to launch your own website and build a company little by little. You don't have to be an expert programmer; you can use platforms like Wix to create your own virtual store from scratch.

More jobs that do not require previous experience:

  • Internet forum content moderator
  • Subtitling videos
  • Microtasks (they do not ensure much money, but they can be an additional help to cover one or another expense.
  • Test games, applications and/or web pages
  • Write Product Reviews

The best jobs from home according to your skills

Up to this point, we have seen options to work from home jobs that fit any profile. Now, it's time to talk about the best jobs for specialists.

In this list, you will find the most in-demand and highest-paying types of jobs currently on the internet. In addition, they are activities that you can do independently on a wide variety of platforms.

These are the most popular areas of work:

1. Content writer

Writing is one of the most requested jobs on the internet. And if you speak English well, even better!

Today, every web page, brand or company needs written content. For that reason, offering your services as a copywriter is one of the best ways to work from home jobs. To dedicate yourself to it, you do not necessarily have to have studied Letters or Communication. Simply with creativity, good spelling and a command of grammar, it is enough.

Within the writing you can find several branches: writing content for blogs, ghostwriting, writing scientific articles, and copywriting.

Copywriting is a type of writing oriented to digital marketing and sales. Many brands and ad agencies hire people to write creative content to persuade and connect with an audience. This is one of the best paid branches of internet writing.

2. Programmer

Yes, this profession may sound a bit abstract to most of us, but it is, without a doubt, one of the best work from home jobs in the entire world.

Within this field you can specialize in the development of applications or software for companies, just to mention a few examples. There is a lot of demand for programmers, and the possibilities of obtaining a very good income are very high. You can even work remotely for companies outside of Latin America.

Just like in writing, to be a programmer you don't have to have studied computer science. There are many online courses to start understanding different programming languages, and with a lot of time and effort, you can work in the area as you gain more knowledge.

However, if you study a career related to this universe, you have many more advantages and chances of reaching important positions with higher pay.

3. Video editor

With the growth of social media, video editing is one of the most common jobs from home today.

From videos for YouTubers, to music and wedding videos, there is a gigantic field of work for video editors. Whether you work as a freelancer, or as part of a content agency, there are many opportunities to grow in this area.

4. Animator

Just like video editing, animation (whether in 2D or 3D) is highly demanded on the internet. Just think of the huge amount of animated videos you consume daily on social networks. If you have knowledge in this area, it is time to take advantage of your talent!

5. Social media manager y/o community manager

A social media manager is in charge of creating the digital identity of a brand in social networks, as well as strategies for its growth. They are responsible for the content that a company must generate on its networks to create a loyal community.

For his part, a community manager is the one who executes these strategies. A CM is responsible for the publication of the content of the social networks of a brand or company, as well as the interaction with the community and its growth.

Sometimes both jobs may be performed by the same person, but ideally they should be separate roles working as a team.

6. Translator

If you speak two or more languages ​​and are passionate about this subject, you can offer your services as a translator on a large number of platforms. Some specialized pages in this area are Gengo , Tomedes and One Hour Translation . However, you can also register on pages for freelancers (we recommend the best ones below).

7. Photo retoucher

If you master digital retouching tools like Lightroom or Photoshop, you can work from home jobs as a photo retoucher. Many brands, and even influencers, hire professionals who can give their images the ideal look for their networks.

8. Graphic designer

As with animation, graphic design remains one of the most common work-from-home jobs globally. Of course, the competition is brutal, but there are many possibilities to expose your art and skills to start earning money online.

9. Announcer or voice actor

You'd be surprised how many opportunities there are online to make money as a broadcaster or voice actor. If you have adequate space and equipment to record your voice and lend it to other clients, take advantage of it!

10. Text proofreader

If you have a knack for spotting grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes, you can dedicate yourself to proofreading. Even without having studied Literature.

You can correct university works, web content, translations or transcriptions, informative texts, etc.

More popular jobs:

  • online recruiter
  • Trader
  • Web page developer
  • digital marketing advisor
  • Illustrator

Where can you get jobs from home?

Surely, at this point you have already imagined an infinite universe of possibilities to earn money online. But... where do you get a job like that?

Well, there are many platforms made especially for finding freelance projects or remote work opportunities. Here is a list of the best websites to get you started:

Work from home jobs that you should avoid

On the internet you will find many valuable opportunities, but just as there are a lot of good offers, there are also scams and “jobs†of dubious origin. That is why you must be very alert to avoid falling into those gaps.

In the end, it's all about having a safe and positive experience online. So, here is a list of unreliable alternatives that do not ensure much income and should be avoided at all costs:

Answering surveys (could help you if you just want some extra money, but it's not worth spending too much time on it because it generates very little income)
Click on advertisements
online bets
“Mysterious†Apps (there are strange applications that assure you to earn money very quickly, when in reality you will have to spend many hours in front of the screen of your cell phone to obtain miserable amounts of money. They are a waste of time)

How do you know if home jobs are reliable?

To avoid falling for scams, consider the following:
  • Check the spelling and wording of the job posting. If it has errors or is confusing, dismiss the offer immediately.
  • Avoid sending unpaid “proofs†to so-called companies that promise fair pay but don’t give any details. Testing is usually paid for, or at least professionally conducted with fair deadlines and through reliable media. Unfortunately, many people take advantage of innocent people to make them free content. These scammers steal your work and profit from it without contacting you again.
  • If the supposed company that requests personnel does not leave its name or contact information, it discards the job offer.
  • If a company or recruiter leaves a personal contact email and not a corporate one, it is probably a scam.
  • Research the company or person who wants to work with you. Especially if you feel there is something fishy.
  • Do not accept that you are hired without a previous interview. It is very rare for a recruiter to want to give you a job without first discussing all the terms and conditions of the job with you. The most common is that you have a first contact by mail and then an interview by phone or video call.
  • Be sure to put everything in writing. If you can, even make digital contracts. The idea is that you always have a record of everything agreed with your clients or recruiters online. It is a security measure for both parties.
  • Use reliable platforms to get a job and offer your services.
  • Trust your gut . If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is.

Other ways to earn money online that are worth trying

content creation

Whether you have a personal project or work for other clients, creating digital content is one of the best ways to generate income online. If you don't know anything about this world and would like to understand it more deeply.

Keep a blog or website

Yes, having a blog is still profitable today. There are many ways to monetize a blog (AdSense, affiliate marketing, product sales, etc.). However, even though the possibilities are endless, earning a good online reputation is a task that is going to take a lot of time.

A blog must be thought of as a business from day one. If you want to know how to make money with your own website, check .

Sell ​​Stock Photos

If you like digital photography, you can register in image banks and start selling stock photography. Make sure you comply with the technical and legal regulations of each platform to avoid problems.

Some popular pages include: Adobe Stock , Shutterstock , iStockPhoto , Foap .

teach online

Can you earn good money teaching online? Yes, of course!

One of the most popular jobs from home is being an online teacher or tutor. There are many ways to give virtual classes and you can choose to do it independently or through specialized platforms such as SuperProf .

Also, if there is something we can contribute to this point, it is that in 2020 virtual courses exploded. Many professionals around the world have joined the digital environment to offer their time and knowledge to other people. And, of course, despite the fact that virtual classes already existed long before, after the pandemic they grew much more.

sell ebooks

Another giant advantage of the internet is that it is very easy to publish your own digital books. If you are a freelance writer or have a book idea on a topic you are fluent in, you can make an e-book and sell it yourself. Of course, if you have a good social media fan base, you can get much more out of this idea.

The future of the world of work and new opportunities

There is still a lot to be said about online jobs. This virtually infinite universe of possibilities is still growing, and more and better online opportunities are emerging every day.

For now we do not know what else the future will bring us. But, if we are sure of one thing, it is that work from home jobs will continue to dominate the digital age... and we do not want to be left behind!

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