When we think of online jobs, we might imagine hackers with black-rimmed glasses, typing quickly and accessing highly secure pages thanks to their computer skills. Or perhaps graphic designers who spent long years perfecting their technique.
However, not all home jobs require education or experience in highly technical matters. There are many simple jobs that you can do if you have a computer, internet and a desire to work.
Thinking about that, we created this list for you with the most popular options to earn money online when you are a beginner.
However, not all home jobs require education or experience in highly technical matters. There are many simple jobs that you can do if you have a computer, internet and a desire to work.
Thinking about that, we created this list for you with the most popular options to earn money online when you are a beginner.

10 Online Jobs That Require No Previous Experience
1. Virtual Assistant
It is very similar to being a personal assistant with the benefit that you will not have to travel anywhere, but can do it from the comfort of your home.Being a virtual assistant, despite the fact that it is a job from home, has a defined part-time or full-time schedule, depends on the employer's requirements, and you will handle a significant volume of tasks such as:
- Answer emails.
- Gather information.
- Take the schedule.
- Schedule meetings.
What do you need?
Good time management, punctuality, organization and good writing and spelling.2. Customer service
Customer service will always be a fundamental pillar of any organization, especially those that provide a service.Previously, when thinking about customer service, we imagined people in small cubicles with large headsets answering endless calls. However, now, customer support has become one of the most common online jobs.
This profession is usually performed in shifts and can be done by phone, answering calls from customers with questions, or through chats and emails.
Don't worry if you feel like you don't know anything about this job because you don't have experience with the public. In the vast majority of cases, whoever hires you will do a brief induction and training, as each company has its own customer service policies.
What do you need?
Patience, good vocabulary, ability to explain and talk to other people.In the case of chats or emails, good writing and spelling.
3. Call center / telemarketing representative
Although it sounds very similar to customer service work, it has a different focus. Call center representatives are fully managed by telephone and have a field of work that may be broader than those mentioned above.A person who works in a call center has a telephone database of clients or potential clients of the company in which they work, whom they must call. The calls can be as much about offering a service as it is about collecting information that the company needs through surveys and the like.
What do you need?
Be persuasive, patient and have a good vocabulary.4. Mecanógrafo / data entry
Typing may sound like a very old-fashioned activity, but it's still very much alive in so many workspaces. It is currently considered one of the most complete online works.Being a typist consists of entering relevant information and data into an electronic form. In other words, you will be provided with a quantity of data and documents and your job will be to review them and discern in which part of the form that was given to you that data would go.
Many companies use specialized software for this task, so they will most likely teach you how to use it before you start. In case not, YouTube is always our best friend when looking for tutorials.
What do you need?
Attention to detail, organization, fast typing.5. Content Moderator
A content moderator is the person in charge of ensuring that users do not break the rules of coexistence on a website, social network or forum.In other words, a content moderator is in charge of reviewing the interventions of the participants in any of the mentioned platforms, and makes sure that they are not offensive or go against their rules of use. When encountering any publication or intervention that is negative to you, you have the power to delete them from the platform. Even if the behavior is recurring, you can prohibit the entry of the responsible user. Let's say he's some kind of digital security guard.
What do you need?
Patience, tolerance, common sense, and agility in reading and comprehension.6. Transcriptor
A transcriber is a person who is in charge of transforming audio into text. By this we mean listening to audio recordings and bit by bit, writing down what you hear.Some offices use these services even simultaneously, that is, what happens in a meeting is transcribed live, very similar to the transcriptionists we see in legal trials.
Currently it is no longer necessary to be in an office to do this work, and on pages like Upwork you can get many offers of this style that you can do from home.
By the way, if you want to know more about Upwork , here we leave this post .
They can also receive a series of documents and information already collected and classify it according to the level of relevance for the investigation.
Academics and professors, as well as private investigators and law firms, frequently use research assistants.
To get jobs like this where you have to test apps and websites, there are platforms like UserTesting .
On the other hand, in the case of video games, your job is to play (every child's dream, right?). You will need to explore all possible levels and worlds of the universe created in the game to verify that it works without errors, in a consistent manner, and that it is entertaining for the intended audience.
Big companies like Amazon, Apple, and Google often hire dedicated people to test their apps for the public, making these online jobs some of the easiest and best-paying.
Being completely honest, this method will not make you a millionaire, and you will have to spend a lot of time if you want to generate halfway decent income. However, if you are not looking to win a lot of money but something extra to try your luck, you could try this alternative.
Some of these pages are:
By the way, if you want to know more about Upwork , here we leave this post .
What do you need?
A quiet space, good writing and spelling, attention to detail, a good ear and fast typing.7. Research assistant
A research assistant is hired for the purpose of searching for information relevant to a specific topic assigned by your employer.They can also receive a series of documents and information already collected and classify it according to the level of relevance for the investigation.
Academics and professors, as well as private investigators and law firms, frequently use research assistants.
What do you need?
Attention to detail, discernment, reading comprehension, good writing and spelling.8. Test games, applications and web pages
If you are interested in offering yourself as a website tester, you will work hand in hand with a web developer. This person will give you access to the web page they are working on and you walk through it as a user, making sure that all sections work correctly and that the interface is friendly, accessible and easy to understand.To get jobs like this where you have to test apps and websites, there are platforms like UserTesting .
On the other hand, in the case of video games, your job is to play (every child's dream, right?). You will need to explore all possible levels and worlds of the universe created in the game to verify that it works without errors, in a consistent manner, and that it is entertaining for the intended audience.
Big companies like Amazon, Apple, and Google often hire dedicated people to test their apps for the public, making these online jobs some of the easiest and best-paying.
What do you need?
Very basic knowledge of how games, applications and web pages should work for users, good communication with the developer and attention to detail.9. Paid Surveys
There are many web pages, especially in English, that offer payments for completing customer service surveys and about their products, so that they can improve according to the public that interests them to buy them.Being completely honest, this method will not make you a millionaire, and you will have to spend a lot of time if you want to generate halfway decent income. However, if you are not looking to win a lot of money but something extra to try your luck, you could try this alternative.
Some of these pages are:
In this case, what you need is to fill out a profile with your demographic characteristics and the pages send you the surveys that fit your profile. It is a slightly less stable income and some platforms have a limit of surveys per day that you can answer.
10. Micro tasks or micro jobs online
If none of these jobs work for you, there is an option to explore micro tasks.
Micro tasks may not be the best paying option, but if you are willing to do small tasks to generate a little extra money per month, this alternative is worth trying.
Pages like:
What do you need?
Basic knowledge of English.10. Micro tasks or micro jobs online
If none of these jobs work for you, there is an option to explore micro tasks.
Micro tasks may not be the best paying option, but if you are willing to do small tasks to generate a little extra money per month, this alternative is worth trying.
Pages like:
They offer a wide range of micro tasks like small transcriptions, video editing, taking stock photos, filling out surveys, and many more. And you have no obligation to achieve any specific hourly position or job, but you accept those tasks that you want to do and that adjust to your availability and interests.
However, if you are interested in learning about other options and tips for working from home, we recommend these posts:
What do you need?
Basic English.More information about online jobs
In this list we show you the most popular alternatives to earn money online based on soft skills; that is, those things that formal education does not usually teach us, such as being thoughtful, empathetic, talkative, organized and attentive. They are skills that we can train on a day-to-day basis.However, if you are interested in learning about other options and tips for working from home, we recommend these posts: